Literary Events as Bloggers EBs
Normally, literary events, like those that happened this week--the NCCA UBOD New Authors Series chapbook launching, the 11th UP Writers Night, and the Siglo: Passion-Project: Hero-Philippine Speculative Fiction, Vol. 1 launching--would spur me to write something about them here. But I only managed to do that with the first one; laziness and a drained brain ultimately got the better of me. So I decided to post the pictures below instead. The events were like EBs for Bloggers in a way.

Wordsmith, Sun Eater and Rambling Soul at the UP Writers Night at the Hardin ng mga Diwata. Eclipsed Ellipse and Sundial Girl, among others, were also at the event.

Contradictory Term, Peanut Gallery Owner and Wordsmith at the triple-publication launching at Fully Booked-Greenhills. Banzai Cat and Sundial Girl were also there.
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