Better Late Than Never

After much delay—and with very subdued fanfare—the NCCA finally and formally launched chapbooks of its UBOD New Authors series at the CCP Main Lobby last Tuesday night. Though I’m not part of the roster of newly published authors, I’m nonetheless happy for those who are: playwright-friends Bay-Viz Caleon, Liza Magtoto and Debbie Tan, as well as Blogger buddies Ian Casocot, Naya Valdellon and Sonny Villafania. I already have copies of their signed books, of course. Ü
The ceremony, hosted by UBOD project coordinator Glenn Maboloc, was surprisingly and thankfully short. A quick overview here, straight-to-the-point commentaries there. The presentation of the chapbooks to the writers was quite swift, and so’s Cecille Guidote Alvarez’s familiar yada-yada-yada closing remarks. A lot of book-signing and picture-taking (not to mention bitching) followed.
One PCLA (Philippine Commission on Literary Arts, the NCCA arm in charge of the UBOD series) member, the poet Butch Macansantos, approached me after the launch and belatedly congratulated me on my Palanca win last September. At one point in our discussion I suggested to him that the NCCA should initiate another UBOD series. After all, emerging writers, especially those writing in the regional languages, would benefit from it. But then again, would it have enough funds for it?
In any case, I’m glad the initial series pushed through, despite the delays. If nothing else, it should encourage the lucky authors more to keep the faith, to keep on writing. I have no doubt they will.
To my friends and the rest of the UBOD authors, CONGRATULATIONS!
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