November Notes
I can’t help but be seriously alarmed at the worsening situation Filipino journalists find themselves in nowadays. The chilling death threat that newspaper columnist Ellen Tordesillas received via e-mail two weekends ago and the attempted arrest of journalist Mia Gonzalez around the same time are just two recent examples. I find Gonzalez’s case particularly noteworthy because, in the literary community, she’s better known as prize-winning fictionist Ma. Romina Gonzalez. Read about it here.
It’s a great time for Filipino sports these days. There's Ronnie Alcano’s win at the recent World Pool Championships. And of course, Pacquiao’s repeat victory against Erik Morales yesterday. I’m not a sports fan, but it’s hard not to be blasé and feel good about their wins. Good for them.
Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for Filipino reality-show contestants. Two Fridays ago, Brad of the Raro tribe was voted off from Survivor: Cook Islands. Last Wednesday, Filipino married couple Ernie and Jeena were the first to be eliminated from The Amazing Race Asia, thanks to a disastrous decision to go for the Fast Forward (Lesson: don’t use the Fast Forward if you’re one of the leading teams). It's really a shame: they have so many things going for them, especially compared to the other Filipino team, Aubrey and Jacqueline. And last Friday, courtesy of a shocking twist, Jenny of the Raro tribe joined fellow tribe member Rebecca, an African-American, as the latest ones booted off from Survivor. What’s interesting about Jenny’s elimination is that the four people who voted her off are white. Now Nate is the only non-white member of the Raro tribe.