Saturday, April 01, 2006

Come to My Window: A Year Later

When I first began blogging exactly a year ago today, I really didn’t know why. Was it because I have friends who were blogging? Was it because it’s trendy to do so? What it maybe it might help me with my writing? It could be any or all of those reasons.

But I do know is that I don’t regret having my own blog. It may not be the best or the most popular, but who really cares? Being better at writing than at speaking, I like to think that the things I posted here allowed more people to know me, or know me better—who I am, what my interests are, what my worldview is. At the same time, having my own blog allowed me to know other people—actually, other bloggers—better. I’m quite sure these wouldn’t happen at all without blogging.

What else can I say? I made my very own space in cyberspace, and I’m glad for it. I’m also glad that I managed to maintain it. I have completed a cycle. Now on to the next.